Database: |
Summary statistics [info]
Foals born in 2018 and earlier [all sires] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
♂ | foals | premiers | qualifiers | starters | winners | <19 | <16 | >10 | >50 | st | p1 | earnings | siremtrl | maremtrl | proffstr | dev | |||||||||||
abs | 665 |   |   | 573 | 482 | 517 | 277 | 362 | 126 | 32618 | 3421 | -3263 | -3193 | € 25,153,165 | 665 | 665 | 0 | 658 | |||||||||
rel | 100,0% |   |   | 86,2% | 72,5% | 77,7% | 41,7% | 54,4% | 18,9% | 49,0 | 5,1 | -4,9 | -4,8 | € 37,824 | 98,0 | 80,9 | 0,0% | 3,3 | |||||||||
rank |   |   | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
♀ | foals | premiers | qualifiers | starters | winners | <19 | <16 | >10 | >50 | st | p1 | earnings | siremtrl | maremtrl | proffstr | dev | |||||||||||
abs | 701 |   |   | 572 | 436 | 495 | 181 | 274 | 54 | 20800 | 1904 | -2027 | -1997 | € 12,044,761 | 701 | 701 | 0 | 689 | |||||||||
rel | 100,0% |   |   | 81,6% | 62,2% | 70,6% | 25,8% | 39,1% | 7,7% | 29,7 | 2,7 | -2,9 | -2,8 | € 17,182 | 98,0 | 80,6 | 0,0% | 3,6 | |||||||||
rank |   |   | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
all | foals | premiers | qualifiers | starters | winners | <19 | <16 | >10 | >50 | st | p1 | earnings | siremtrl | maremtrl | proffstr | dev | |||||||||||
abs | 1366 |   |   | 1145 | 918 | 1012 | 458 | 636 | 180 | 53418 | 5325 | -5290 | -5190 | € 37,197,926 | 1366 | 1366 | 0 | 1347 | |||||||||
rel | 100,0% |   |   | 83,8% | 67,2% | 74,1% | 33,5% | 46,6% | 13,2% | 39,1 | 3,9 | -3,9 | -3,8 | € 27,231 | 98,0 | 80,7 | 0,0% | 3,5 | |||||||||
rank |   |   |
All ages
kat | dev |
♂ | 3,32 |
♀ | 3,59 |
all | 3,46 |
Richest colts and geldings see all
1995 | Gidde Palema (SE) | 92 | 0,99 | +26 | 1.15,3v | 1.10,0a | kr 27,080,322 | 93 | 44- | 21- | 8 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Rosie Palema (SE) | |||
At 3, second in E3 Korta, Breeders' Crown, third in Svenskt Travkriterium. At 4, second in Fyraåringseliten, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, Svenskt Travderby, Rommechansen. At 5, Winner of Algot Scotts Minneslopp, Prins Carl Philips Jubileumspokal, second in Copenhagen Cup, third in Åby Stora Pris, Solvallas Jubileumspokal, Hugo Åbergs Memorial. At 8, Winner of Rommeheatet, Copenhagen Cup, Olympiatravet, Uttagningslopp, Olympiatravet, Kalmarsundspokalen, Solvallas Jubileumspokal, Smedträffen, Sundsvall Open Trot, Oslo Grand Prix, Årjängs Stora Sprinterlopp, Åby Stora Pris, second in Hugo Åbergs Memorial, Svenskt Mästerskap, STC:s Avelslopp, third in Mälarpriset. At 9, Winner of Hugo Åbergs Memorial, Elitloppet, Solvallas Jubileumspokal, Oslo Grand Prix, Olympiatravet, Algot Scotts Minneslopp, second in Copenhagen Cup, St.Michel Ajo, Olympiatravet, Uttagningslopp, Arvid Stjernswärds Minneslöpning. At 10, Winner of Algot Scotts Minneslopp, Olympiatravet, Uttagningslopp, Åby Stora Pris, Olympiatravet, Kalmarsundspokalen, Solvallas Jubileumspokal, Hugo Åbergs Memorial, Färjestads Jubileumslopp, second in Sundsvall Open Trot, Copenhagen Cup, third in Årjängs Stora Sprinterlopp. | ||||||||||||||||||
2001 | Torvald Palema (SE) | 101 | 0,96 | +15 | 1.16,6v | 1.09,7a | kr 26,781,147 | 104 | 44- | 21- | 9 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Gina Roy (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of E3 Revanschen Långa, E3 Revanschen Korta, third in Svenskt Travkriterium. At 4, Winner of Fyraåringseliten, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, second in Sprintermästaren. At 6, Winner of Gran Premio Palio Dei Comuni, Svenskt Mästerskap, Bjerke Cup, second in Arvid Stjernswärds Minneslöpning, Gran Premio Delle Nazioni, Olympiatravet, Uttagningslopp, Campionato Europeo, Axevallalöpning. At 7, Winner of Olympiatravet. At 8, Winner of Hugo Åbergs Memorial, Mälarpriset, Elitloppet, Forus Open, Åby Stora Pris, second in Sundsvall Open Trot, third in Olympiatravet. At 9, second in Hugo Åbergs Memorial, Elitloppet. Sold at Kriterieauktionen 2002 for 270,000 SEK. | ||||||||||||||||||
2002 | Colombian Necktie (SE) | 100 | 0,76 | +26 | 1.13,9v | 1.10,0a | kr 7,671,509 | 124 | 19- | 21- | 13 | g, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Tamburina (SE) | |||
At 4, Winner of Svenskt Travderby, second in Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, third in Stayerpriset. At 5, Winner of Birger Bengtssons Minneslopp, Mälarpriset, second in Midsommarloppet, Silverhästen. At 6, Winner of Gotlandslöpning, third in Solvallas Jubileumspokal. At 7, Winner of Birger Bengtssons Minneslopp, second in Årjängs Stora Sprinterlopp, L.C.Peterson-Broddas Minneslöpning, Sweden Cup. | ||||||||||||||||||
1997 | Royal Gull (SE) | 98 | 0,79 | +28 | 1.11,3v | 1.11,3a | kr 7,081,010 | 76 | 17- | 10- | 15 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Fuxia Pride (SE) | |||
At 4, third in Prix Ariste Hémard, Prix Marcel Laurent. At 5, Winner of Prix Jean Le Gonidec, Prix Jockey, Prix Roederer, Gran Premio Renzo Orlandi, second in Prix d'Eté, Prix Marcel Laurent, third in Prix des Ducs de Normandie, Prix d'Europe (Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère). At 6, second in Grand Prix du Conseil des Alpes Maritimes, third in Criterium de Vitesse de Basse Normandie. At 7, third in Prix de Washington. | ||||||||||||||||||
2000 | Gazza Degato (SE) | 95 | 0,90 | +21 | 1.13,8v | 1.11,2a | kr 5,339,728 | 57 | 25- | 7- | 4 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Gazette Håleryd (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of Juliloppet, second in E3 Revanschen Korta, E3 Revanschen Långa. At 4, Winner of 4 års Elite, Axel Jensens Minneslopp, Lantmännens Race, Svenskt Travderby, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp. At 5, Winner of Rikstotons Europamatch, Femåringspriset Axevalla, second in Europeiskt Femåringschampionat, third in Rex Rodneys Ärespris, Svenskt Mästerskap. At 6, Winner of Axevallalöpning, second in Färjestads Jubileumslopp, third in Sundsvall Open Trot. Sold at Kriterieauktionen 2001 for 280,000 SEK. | ||||||||||||||||||
2000 | Solero Briljant (SE) | 101 | 0,85 | +23 | 1.15,4v | 1.11,1a | kr 3,928,758 | 105 | 16- | 21- | 11 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Ida Briljant (SE) | |||
At 4, second in Svenskt Trav S:t Leger, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, Grand Prix de l'U.E.T.. At 5, second in Gotlandslöpning, Sweden Cup, third in Rikstotons Europamatch. At 6, second in Birger Bengtssons Minneslopp, third in Gösta Nordins Lopp. At 8, second in Smålandsmästaren. Sold at Elitauktionen 2001 for 260,000 SEK. | ||||||||||||||||||
1996 | Rydens Sensation (SE) | 83 | 0,96 | -20 | 1.15,4v | 1.12,1a | kr 3,687,536 | 60 | 16- | 3- | 5 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Ecana Nibs (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of E3 Revanschen Korta, Locomotives Lopp, third in Kriterierevanschen. At 4, Winner of Sprintermästaren, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, second in Grand Prix de l'U.E.T., third in Solvalla Grand Prix. At 5, third in Prins Carl Philips Jubileumspokal. | ||||||||||||||||||
2000 | Shaft (SE) | 97 | 0,76 | +20 | 1.13,4v | 1.11,7a | kr 3,191,251 | 88 | 8- | 4- | 12 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Tibijou (SE) | |||
At 3, second in Svenskt Travkriterium. At 4, third in Fyraåringstest, Medaljstriden, Solvalla Grand Prix. At 7, second in Copenhagen Open. | ||||||||||||||||||
1994 | Blue Laday (SE) | 93 | 0,77 | +18 | 1.15,7v | 1.13,0a | kr 3,043,034 | 69 | 19- | 7- | 7 | h, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Viva Mon (SE) | |||
At 3, third in E3 Korta. At 4, Winner of Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, third in Svenskt Travderby. | ||||||||||||||||||
2001 | Earl Tilly (SE) | 101 | 0,76 | +10 | 1.14,7v | 1.11,0a | kr 2,937,651 | 77 | 22- | 9- | 9 | g, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Pearl Tilly (SE) | |||
At 3, second in Ibrahim Paschas Lopp. At 4, third in Fyraåringsstjärnan. At 7, Winner of Birger Bengtssons Minneslopp, Bollnäsloppet, second in Frances Bulwarks Lopp, Ullbergs Minne, third in Bjerke Cup, V75-mästaren. At 8, Winner of Kalmarsundspokalen. |
Richest fillies see all
1997 | Yatzy Brodda (SE) | 101 | 0,85 | +22 | 1.13,5v | 1.10,7a | kr 5,916,776 | 77 | 28- | 10- | 11 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Yvonne M. (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of Lime Abbeys Lopp, third in Breeders' Crown, E3 Korta, Sommarfavoriten. At 4, Winner of Breeders' Crown, Derbystoet, Petit Prix. At 5, Winner of Gran Premio Ivone Grassetto, Hoppelöp Bjerke, second in Gran Premio Palio Dei Comuni, Rommeheatet, third in Campionato Europeo. At 6, Winner of Östgötaloppet, third in STC:s Avelslopp. At 7, third in Gran Premio Renzo Orlandi. | ||||||||||||||||||
2003 | Vala Boko (SE) | 105 | 0,86 | +36 | 1.13,9v | 1.12,2a | kr 3,941,997 | 32 | 17- | 4- | 0 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Flordalie (FR) | |||
At 3, Winner of Breeders' Crown, E3 Långa, second in Sommarfavoriten, Svenskt Trav-Oaks. At 4, Winner of Stochampionatet, Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp. At 5, Winner of Grand Prix du Conseil Municipal. | ||||||||||||||||||
2006 | Simb Ruby (SE) | 101 | 0,79 | +23 | 1.12,2v | 1.10,4a | kr 3,087,155 | 130 | 21- | 19- | 18 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Rada Nilema (IT) | |||
At 3, Winner of Gay Gals Lopp, third in Breeders' Crown, Svenskt Trav-Oaks. | ||||||||||||||||||
2004 | Flea Southwind (SE) | 104 | 0,84 | +26 | 1.14,4v | 1.11,3a | kr 2,686,096 | 92 | 18- | 12- | 17 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Lagunilla (SE) | |||
At 4, second in Drottning Silvias Pokal. | ||||||||||||||||||
1998 | Lövgårdens Wilma (SE) | 97 | 0,76 | +21 | 1.13,7v | 1.12,9a | kr 2,428,811 | 175 | 23- | 24- | 14 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Charlotta Smoke (SE) | |||
1995 | Pheiffer Tuna (SE) | 91 | 0,77 | +18 | 1.14,9v | 1.13,5a | kr 2,321,421 | 110 | 17- | 13- | 19 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Atlanta Flame (SE) | |||
At 3, second in Sommarfavoriten. At 4, second in Drottning Silvias Pokal, third in Petit Prix, Stosprintern. | ||||||||||||||||||
1999 | Ingrid Palema (SE) | 105 | 0,85 | +27 | 1.13,7v | 1.12,0a | kr 2,308,648 | 53 | 21- | 9- | 8 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Frosts Dime (SE) | |||
At 6, Winner of V75-mästaren, second in Enoch Karlssons Minneslopp. At 7, second in STC:s Avelslopp. | ||||||||||||||||||
1995 | Rydens Randy (SE) | 96 | 0,87 | +28 | 1.14,9v | 1.12,3a | kr 2,222,914 | 57 | 13- | 8- | 9 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Handy Nibs (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of Breeders' Crown, Vårfavoriten, second in E3 Korta, Juliennes Lopp, third in Coccinelles Lopp, E3 Långa. | ||||||||||||||||||
1996 | Petra Palema (SE) | 92 | 0,81 | +19 | 1.14,6v | 1.14,1a | kr 2,149,539 | 63 | 14- | 7- | 6 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Britta Palema (SE) | |||
At 5, Winner of Bergslagsloppet. | ||||||||||||||||||
2001 | Hallo Pamela (SE) | 98 | 0,77 | +15 | 1.14,7v | 1.11,9a | kr 1,959,122 | 133 | 26- | 19- | 7 | m, by | Alf Palema (US) | - | Hallo Egekaer (DK) | |||
At 3, second in Wallenius Cup. |
Broodmare Sires [info]
Broodmare Sire | [H] | foals | starters | winners | <19 | <16 | >10 | >50 | st | p1 | earnings | hmatr | smatr | dev | |
1 | Meadow Road (SE) | [H] | 8 | 100,0% | 87,5% | 100,0% | 75,0% | 87,5% | 62,5% | 88,25 | 8,50 | € 75,740 | 98,0 | 87,5 | 11,1 |
2 | Speedy Min (SE) | [H] | 7 | 100,0% | 71,4% | 100,0% | 71,4% | 71,4% | 28,6% | 54,71 | 10,14 | € 355,035 | 98,0 | 90,0 | 10,3 |
3 | Abc Freight (US) | [H] | 7 | 100,0% | 100,0% | 100,0% | 42,9% | 42,9% | 28,6% | 52,57 | 7,14 | € 54,285 | 98,0 | 74,0 | 9,7 |
4 | Express Pride (US) | [H] | 7 | 85,7% | 85,7% | 85,7% | 42,9% | 71,4% | 14,3% | 31,14 | 4,14 | € 27,755 | 98,0 | 82,9 | 9,7 |
5 | Another Miracle (US) | [H] | 8 | 87,5% | 87,5% | 87,5% | 62,5% | 75,0% | 12,5% | 60,75 | 4,75 | € 24,623 | 98,0 | 82,0 | 8,9 |
6 | My Nevele (US) | [H] | 6 | 100,0% | 100,0% | 100,0% | 50,0% | 50,0% | 16,7% | 42,33 | 4,83 | € 38,484 | 98,0 | 80,7 | 7,8 |
7 | The Prophet (US) | [H] | 9 | 88,9% | 77,8% | 77,8% | 55,6% | 66,7% | 33,3% | 34,44 | 5,11 | € 26,312 | 98,0 | 69,8 | 7,7 |
8 | Brandy Hanover (US) | [H] | 8 | 87,5% | 75,0% | 75,0% | 75,0% | 75,0% | 25,0% | 63,25 | 8,25 | € 44,713 | 98,0 | 82,0 | 7,6 |
9 | Lucky Winner (US) | [H] | 5 | 80,0% | 80,0% | 80,0% | 60,0% | 80,0% | 20,0% | 65,60 | 6,80 | € 30,658 | 98,0 | 82,8 | 7,2 |
10 | Ata Star L. (SE) | [H] | 15 | 93,3% | 86,7% | 93,3% | 60,0% | 86,7% | 26,7% | 43,93 | 3,67 | € 32,812 | 98,0 | 85,3 | 7,0 |
11 | Active Bowler (SE) | [H] | 9 | 88,9% | 88,9% | 88,9% | 11,1% | 33,3% | 11,1% | 20,00 | 3,33 | € 15,177 | 98,0 | 77,3 | 6,1 |
12 | Tibur (FR) | [H] | 111 | 82,0% | 66,7% | 74,8% | 38,7% | 46,8% | 18,9% | 39,81 | 4,86 | € 39,890 | 98,0 | 79,7 | 6,1 |
13 | Big Spender (SE) | [H] | 10 | 100,0% | 70,0% | 100,0% | 20,0% | 40,0% | 10,0% | 41,30 | 3,00 | € 14,112 | 98,0 | 84,6 | 5,9 |
14 | Songcan (US) | [H] | 28 | 85,7% | 75,0% | 82,1% | 39,3% | 60,7% | 14,3% | 47,86 | 4,57 | € 29,810 | 98,0 | 79,3 | 5,5 |
15 | Carlisle (US) | [H] | 11 | 81,8% | 72,7% | 72,7% | 36,4% | 54,5% | 27,3% | 61,73 | 8,45 | € 72,654 | 98,0 | 79,7 | 5,5 |
16 | Messerschmitt (US) | [H] | 7 | 85,7% | 71,4% | 85,7% | 57,1% | 71,4% | 14,3% | 42,00 | 4,00 | € 20,156 | 98,0 | 84,1 | 5,1 |
17 | Texas (US) | [H] | 10 | 100,0% | 90,0% | 80,0% | 40,0% | 50,0% | 20,0% | 33,30 | 3,10 | € 23,770 | 98,0 | 87,0 | 5,1 |
18 | Sharif di Iesolo (IT) | [H] | 7 | 85,7% | 85,7% | 85,7% | 57,1% | 57,1% | 14,3% | 35,86 | 6,00 | € 50,838 | 98,0 | 93,4 | 5,0 |
19 | V.I.P. (SE) | [H] | 5 | 80,0% | 80,0% | 80,0% | 20,0% | 60,0% | 0,0% | 32,20 | 3,00 | € 14,671 | 98,0 | 72,6 | 4,8 |
20 | Buckeye Count (US) | [H] | 5 | 100,0% | 80,0% | 100,0% | 60,0% | 80,0% | 40,0% | 86,00 | 7,60 | € 51,285 | 98,0 | 73,2 | 4,8 |
21 | Smokin Yankee (US) | [H] | 21 | 85,7% | 71,4% | 81,0% | 33,3% | 47,6% | 19,0% | 58,48 | 5,05 | € 33,845 | 98,0 | 80,0 | 4,7 |
22 | Jealousy (SE) | [H] | 5 | 80,0% | 80,0% | 80,0% | 40,0% | 60,0% | 0,0% | 28,40 | 1,80 | € 12,709 | 98,0 | 78,6 | 4,6 |
23 | Count's Pride (US) | [H] | 40 | 87,5% | 72,5% | 75,0% | 25,0% | 42,5% | 15,0% | 35,62 | 4,22 | € 37,048 | 98,0 | 77,3 | 4,6 |
24 | Pershing (US) | [H] | 37 | 89,2% | 70,3% | 73,0% | 45,9% | 54,1% | 21,6% | 49,92 | 4,46 | € 29,040 | 98,0 | 81,1 | 4,4 |
25 | Ideal du Gazeau (FR) | [H] | 48 | 75,0% | 58,3% | 68,8% | 33,3% | 39,6% | 12,5% | 38,88 | 4,10 | € 67,170 | 98,0 | 74,9 | 4,2 |
26 | Ron B.Hanover (US) | [H] | 5 | 100,0% | 100,0% | 100,0% | 20,0% | 60,0% | 0,0% | 46,00 | 2,60 | € 10,242 | 98,0 | 81,6 | 4,0 |
27 | Mack Lobell (US) | [H] | 24 | 70,8% | 58,3% | 66,7% | 41,7% | 50,0% | 33,3% | 39,21 | 4,17 | € 37,286 | 98,0 | 90,2 | 3,9 |
28 | Defi d'Aunou (FR) | [H] | 5 | 80,0% | 60,0% | 80,0% | 40,0% | 40,0% | 0,0% | 31,80 | 2,00 | € 10,638 | 98,0 | (87,8) | (3,8) |
29 | Zoot Suit (US) | [H] | 43 | 79,1% | 55,8% | 76,7% | 25,6% | 37,2% | 14,0% | 38,33 | 3,98 | € 21,586 | 98,0 | 81,5 | 3,6 |
30 | Mr Drew (US) | [H] | 9 | 77,8% | 77,8% | 77,8% | 44,4% | 55,6% | 0,0% | 49,11 | 4,22 | € 14,840 | 98,0 | 78,0 | 3,6 |
ALL BROODMARE SIRES | [H] | 1369 | 83,6% | 67,1% | 73,9% | 18,6% | 46,5% | 13,1% | 39,02 | 3,89 | € 27,172 | 98,0 | (80,7) | (3,5) | |
31 | Crowntron (US) | [H] | 10 | 70,0% | 70,0% | 70,0% | 60,0% | 60,0% | 10,0% | 60,50 | 5,80 | € 23,985 | 98,0 | (82,1) | (3,4) |
32 | Super Arnie (US) | [H] | 15 | 93,3% | 60,0% | 86,7% | 20,0% | 33,3% | 0,0% | 19,60 | 2,40 | € 9,933 | 98,0 | 89,1 | 3,4 |
33 | Super Mon (US) | [H] | 8 | 87,5% | 75,0% | 75,0% | 37,5% | 62,5% | 12,5% | 41,75 | 4,62 | € 42,432 | 98,0 | 76,6 | 3,2 |
34 | Meadow Gallant (US) | [H] | 6 | 83,3% | 50,0% | 83,3% | 33,3% | 33,3% | 33,3% | 42,00 | 4,33 | € 27,089 | 98,0 | 80,3 | 3,0 |
35 | Able Mission (US) | [H] | 8 | 87,5% | 62,5% | 75,0% | 12,5% | 25,0% | 0,0% | 52,12 | 3,25 | € 11,688 | 98,0 | 72,0 | 2,9 |
36 | Speedy Spin (US) | [H] | 30 | 93,3% | 60,0% | 63,3% | 26,7% | 36,7% | 13,3% | 29,83 | 3,23 | € 21,670 | 98,0 | 77,4 | 2,8 |
37 | Hoot Speed (US) | [H] | 5 | 80,0% | 60,0% | 80,0% | 20,0% | 40,0% | 0,0% | 34,80 | 2,40 | € 14,712 | 98,0 | 75,6 | 2,8 |
38 | Glasgow (US) | [H] | 16 | 81,2% | 81,2% | 75,0% | 37,5% | 50,0% | 25,0% | 51,94 | 5,31 | € 30,936 | 98,0 | 77,8 | 2,4 |
39 | Nevele Pride (US) | [H] | 27 | 74,1% | 59,3% | 59,3% | 18,5% | 44,4% | 11,1% | 28,00 | 2,81 | € 15,822 | 98,0 | 79,4 | 2,4 |
40 | Sugarcane Hanover (US) | [H] | 26 | 76,9% | 61,5% | 69,2% | 30,8% | 42,3% | 11,5% | 35,38 | 2,96 | € 18,020 | 98,0 | 87,7 | (2,4) |
41 | Quick Pay (US) | [H] | 121 | 86,0% | 66,1% | 74,4% | 28,1% | 46,3% | 8,3% | 36,63 | 3,40 | € 18,031 | 98,0 | (81,5) | (2,1) |
42 | Nevele Diamond (US) | [H] | 7 | 100,0% | 71,4% | 100,0% | 57,1% | 85,7% | 28,6% | 62,71 | 7,29 | € 40,713 | 98,0 | 85,9 | 1,9 |
43 | Ditka Hanover (US) | [H] | 5 | 100,0% | 100,0% | 100,0% | 20,0% | 60,0% | 0,0% | 31,60 | 2,60 | € 8,962 | 98,0 | 81,8 | 1,8 |
44 | Lindy's Crown (US) | [H] | 49 | 81,6% | 69,4% | 73,5% | 32,7% | 46,9% | 14,3% | 42,57 | 3,51 | € 22,048 | 98,0 | (88,1) | (1,7) |
45 | Netted (US) | [H] | 7 | 71,4% | 57,1% | 71,4% | 42,9% | 42,9% | 28,6% | 45,29 | 4,43 | € 30,369 | 98,0 | 75,4 | 1,7 |
46 | Napoletano (US) | [H] | 7 | 100,0% | 57,1% | 71,4% | 14,3% | 28,6% | 0,0% | 22,00 | 1,43 | € 6,454 | 98,0 | 80,7 | 0,7 |
47 | Shatter Way (US) | [H] | 12 | 75,0% | 50,0% | 66,7% | 25,0% | 33,3% | 16,7% | 39,75 | 2,33 | € 15,243 | 98,0 | 75,6 | 0,6 |
48 | Crown Sweep (US) | [H] | 8 | 75,0% | 62,5% | 75,0% | 25,0% | 37,5% | 0,0% | 30,38 | 1,75 | € 7,218 | 98,0 | 87,4 | 0,5 |
49 | Pay Dirt (US) | [H] | 9 | 88,9% | 77,8% | 55,6% | 11,1% | 11,1% | 11,1% | 22,89 | 2,56 | € 10,407 | 98,0 | 74,8 | 0,0 |
50 | Homesick (US) | [H] | 6 | 100,0% | 50,0% | 66,7% | 16,7% | 33,3% | 0,0% | 30,00 | 2,83 | € 6,931 | 98,0 | 78,2 | −0,2 |
51 | Knabe (SE) | [H] | 15 | 73,3% | 53,3% | 53,3% | 33,3% | 46,7% | 20,0% | 32,73 | 4,00 | € 27,999 | 98,0 | 74,5 | −1,3 |
52 | Sandy Bowl (US) | [H] | 8 | 62,5% | 50,0% | 62,5% | 25,0% | 37,5% | 0,0% | 39,38 | 3,75 | € 13,774 | 98,0 | 75,5 | −1,4 |
53 | Arndon (US) | [H] | 7 | 85,7% | 71,4% | 85,7% | 28,6% | 28,6% | 0,0% | 32,57 | 2,29 | € 8,365 | 98,0 | 84,4 | −1,6 |
54 | Fakir du Vivier (FR) | [H] | 7 | 100,0% | 57,1% | 71,4% | 0,0% | 14,3% | 0,0% | 15,43 | 1,14 | € 4,674 | 98,0 | 84,1 | −2,3 |
55 | Super Bowl (US) | [H] | 15 | 86,7% | 60,0% | 60,0% | 20,0% | 40,0% | 6,7% | 31,93 | 2,13 | € 12,372 | 98,0 | 81,1 | −2,3 |
56 | Bonefish (US) | [H] | 7 | 71,4% | 42,9% | 57,1% | 28,6% | 28,6% | 14,3% | 32,29 | 2,57 | € 15,896 | 98,0 | (80,0) | (−2,7) |
57 | Piggvar (US) | [H] | 7 | 85,7% | 42,9% | 57,1% | 28,6% | 42,9% | 0,0% | 35,00 | 2,14 | € 11,434 | 98,0 | 81,0 | −3,0 |
58 | Lord of All (US) | [H] | 6 | 66,7% | 16,7% | 33,3% | 0,0% | 16,7% | 0,0% | 15,83 | 0,50 | € 2,672 | 98,0 | 75,0 | −3,5 |
59 | Speedy Crown (US) | [H] | 15 | 86,7% | 53,3% | 60,0% | 6,7% | 33,3% | 0,0% | 24,33 | 2,07 | € 10,396 | 98,0 | 78,6 | −3,7 |
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Information on results in big races provided by Kurt Anderssons Travsida.
We do not guarantee that the information is completely accurate and will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies published.