Database: |
1978 | Rex Håleryd (SE) | 76 | 0,97 | +13 | 1.15,6v | 1.13,6a | kr 1,499,515 | 104 | 14- | 25- | 6 | h, by | Dartmouth (US) | - | Ixi Håleryd (SE) | |||
At 3, Winner of Konung Gustav V:s Pokal, second in Derbyhoppet, Färjestads Nordiska 3-åringspris, Ibrahim Paschas Lopp, Kriterierevanschen, third in Johan Jacobssons Minneslöpning. At 4, Winner of Svenskt Travderby, Fyraåringseliten, Svenskt Trav S:t Leger, second in Svenskt Travderby, Uttagningslopp, C.L.Müllers Memorial, Fyraåringsstjärnan, Påskägget, Sprintermästaren. At 5, second in Europeiskt Femåringschampionat, C.Th.Ericssons Memorial, Axevallalöpning, third in Svenskt Mästerskap, Ådalspriset. At 6, second in Yngve Larssons Memorial. | ||||||||||||||||||
1976 | Son of Dartmouth (SE) | 76 | 0,77 | +22 | 1.16,6v | 1.15,1a | kr 559,250 | 216 | 25- | 20- | 23 | h, by | Dartmouth (US) | - | Pia Nedworthy (SE) | |||
1974 | Anfang Ryd (SE) | 63 | 0,70 | +6 | kr 0 | 0 | m, by | Dartmouth (US) | - | Dahlia Gruff (SE) | ||||||||
1975 | Bonnie Bay (SE) | 57 | 0,76 | -10 | kr 0 | 0 | m, by | Dartmouth (US) | - | Dahlia Gruff (SE) | ||||||||
1983 | Fartina Col (SE) | 58 | 0,84 | -19 | kr 0 | 0 | m, by | Dartmouth (US) | - | Dolly Håleryd (SE) | ||||||||
Information on results in big races provided by Kurt Anderssons Travsida.
We do not guarantee that the information is completely accurate and will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies published.